In 2017, Stacey Edwards' life took an unexpected turn when a seemingly ordinary day with her daughter revealed a life-changing diagnosis. As a nurse, Stacey was no stranger to health care, but nothing prepared her for the personal battle she was about to face. Her story is one of resilience, faith, and the power of community. ((Episode:

A Sudden Nudge and the Beginning of a Journey

It all began when Stacey felt a strange, sharp sensation in her breast while walking at the mall. Although she initially dismissed it, the discomfort prompted her to schedule a mammogram. At just 42 years old, Stacey had only undergone one prior screening. A series of follow-ups, including a repeat mammogram, a sonogram, and a biopsy, confirmed her worst fear: invasive ductal carcinoma, an aggressive form of breast cancer. She received the diagnosis on February 1, 2017—a day etched into her memory as the day her world shifted.

The Diagnosis: A Shared Battle

Stacey is quick to emphasize that cancer isn’t a solo journey. She refers to her diagnosis as a “we” experience, highlighting the integral role of her husband, Dean, and their family. Remarkably, when she received the devastating phone call, Dean unexpectedly arrived home—a moment Stacey considers a divine act of grace. His presence gave her the strength to face the reality of her diagnosis.

Guided Support and Preparation

Navigating her diagnosis was overwhelming, but Stacey found invaluable support through a colleague who connected her with a breast navigator named Deborah. This expert explained Stacey’s pathology report in understandable terms, guiding her through her treatment options. Armed with this knowledge, Stacey and Dean approached her treatment plan with clarity and confidence, ready to face the whirlwind of surgeries and therapies.

Treatment and Aftermath

On March 2, 2017, Stacey underwent surgery, followed by six rounds of chemotherapy and years on tamoxifen, a hormone suppressor used to prevent recurrence. The aggressive nature of her cancer meant she had to remain vigilant. For two years, Stacey endured frequent lab tests every three months, living in cycles of monitoring and uncertainty. Though she eventually transitioned to longer intervals, the emotional toll of constant vigilance was immense.

Living with Permanent Change

Cancer left a visible mark on Stacey’s life. Her hair never fully grew back—a change that deeply affected her self-perception. While she wore scarves and head coverings for over five years, she chose not to wear wigs, embracing her reality with honesty and courage. “As a woman, that power, that choice of wanting to have my hair was taken away from me,” she reflects. Yet, even amid sadness and struggle, Stacey remained unashamed, embodying resilience in the face of loss.

Key Takeaways from Stacey’s Story

Listen to Your Body: Stacey’s proactive response to an unusual sensation likely saved her life. Don’t ignore the subtle signs your body gives you.

Faith and Support Matter: The presence of her husband during the diagnosis and the guidance of a breast navigator were instrumental in Stacey’s journey, reminding us of the importance of a strong support system.

Knowledge is Empowering: Understanding her diagnosis and treatment options allowed Stacey to face her journey with confidence.

Life After Cancer is Different: Cancer survivors often live with lasting physical and emotional changes, but Stacey’s story underscores the importance of embracing these realities with grace.

Your Journey is Your Own: Whether it’s choosing not to wear a wig or adapting to new routines, Stacey’s experience reminds us that every survivor’s path is unique.


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